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Fabrice Michel
If trouble was money. Depuis 2018, photographies, dimensions variables.
If trouble was money est une série de photographies assemblées sans ordre particulier, reproduisant des tickets de caisse et de factures d’achats quotidiens personnels, ainsi que celles nécessaires à l’élaboration de l’œuvre (développement photo, encadrement, transport, etc.) Le montant total de ces reçus restitués par chaque photographie détermine le prix de vente de l'œuvre augmenté des charges locatives et sociales en vigueur au moment de la vente.
If trouble was money." Since 2018, photographs, variable dimensions.
"If trouble was money" is a series of photographs assembled without any particular order, reproducing personal daily purchase receipts and invoices, as well as those necessary for the creation of the artwork (photo development, framing, transportation, etc.). The total amount of these receipts depicted in each photograph determines the selling price of the artwork, increased by the applicable rental and social charges at the time of sale.

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